Monday, 28 November 2016

Advertisers Moral Responsibility

I personally believe that advertisers do have a moral duty to avoid stereotyping people. Why so? One of the biggest problems, even in today's society and developed stage, stereotyping is a massive problems. The media, with the enormous impact media has on a society nowadays, it should feel the need to respect and treat everyone equally. However, due to the firms only being concerned about maximum revenue, the consequences and impact on the non-targeted audience is often neglected. Even if possibly unintentional - like in the Mountain Dew ads by Tyler the Creator -, they leave an impression on the viewers of how an ethnic group/race/etc. is viewed or is essentially supposed to be viewed. In the case of the Mountain Dew ads, they display all criminals as black people, which is a clear indication of stereotyping, and negative critic is easily justified. Despite the motive wanting to exhibit the product as something great and superior, racial bias should be considered and thought through. This is just one example found in the US. Nevertheless, ads promoting stereotypes happens everywhere on this planet. Multiple examples can be thought off the top of my head (e.g. a watch commercial generalising women as complicated and always late). To conclude, to help eradicate or at least drastically decrease the usage of stereotypes, the media should feel a moral duty and responsibility in portraying everyone as equal and unique.

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